He starts out by explaining that his life-long Halloween dream costume is "Aladdin" and he's been invited to a costume party this Friday night. He said, "Help me figure out what I need to buy to get this look."

Having grown up in the 80s, I knew all he needed was for me to sew him some "MC Hammer" pants out of light colored fabric and his costume authenticity would be off the charts.
So, I offered.
He said, "Really? That's too much trouble."
And I promised it would take no more than an hour. AND, it would look GREAT.
Monday morning I did a quick internet search for DIY MC Hammer pants and found this photo, and realized I could use a pair of Eli's pants--on the fold--on top of the fabric to make the "pattern"....followed with a low and long arch connecting the legs:
Monday night the boys delivered me to Joanne Fabrics and out I came, $25 lighter, with these magnificent fabrics:
Off-white, linen-look fabric for the pants...discounted 40% (gosh, I love a sale!);
Red charmeuse fabric for the belt...also discounted 40%; and
And a bit of bright yellow cotton fabric for the knee patch.
On the way to the fabric store we stopped at Goodwill and found this lovely purple men's shirt that I will turn into an Aladdin vest.
Here's a few photos of the MC Hammer pants under construction:
I used a pair of Eli's regular pants as a guide for the general shape and his waist size. The crotch of his pants is facing the folded edge of the fabric.
Here, I shaped and cut the low-slung crotch curve.
And the pants are cut! I cut 2 piece exactly the same.
I unfolded the cut fabric and serged the pants together in about ten minutes! I tucked the pant leg "ends" under for this photo while I wait for Eli to come home from school to try them on and tell me how short to hem them. :) This is my best guess on the length he might prefer (just below the knee).

Don't forget the red sash and the yellow knee patch!
Here Eli is in all his dreamy Aladdin glory. Red fez hat and magic lamp compliments of Amazon Prime!