Below is a conversation I had with my mom a few years ago, just before cancer overtook her.
"You know, people say that you can come back and visit those you love by taking the form of something else, like an animal. When you eventually pass away, I want you to come visit me so you need to tell me now what form you plan to come back as so I'll recognize you."
"You mean, like a butterfly?"
"I don't like that. I don't want to come back as a butterfly."
"Why not?"
"Do I have to STAY a butterfly?"
"No, you just come VISIT as a butterfly long enough for me to see you. Then you can go be yourself again."
"Oh, okay. Then I'll come back as a butterfly."
So, I found this gal on Etsy who makes edible butterflies, and I plan to put them on top of the wedding cupcakes at the reception. Is it weird to symbolically eat my mom at our wedding? I don't know. The palette is neutral with an accent of teal, which I loved.
When I ordered the edibles from her I asked if she could print out matching paper butterflies that I could use in my centerpieces. And, she did! Here I've hot-glued them to some thread-wrapped, 18 gauge floral wire.
I bent their little wings so they'd look realistic.
When the butterflies were delivered, I noticed the teal accent colored butterflies looked more blue than teal. Meh, oh well. I'm using them. I still think they look sweet.
I'll stick these butterflies in the reception's centerpieces that I plan to make out of baby's breath.
Just imagine a handful of these tiny butterflies in these white, delicate flowers...
Should look nice, no?
Today, I took another personal day off of work to sew and finish my butterfly crafting. With the butterflies all done, I knew I needed to start tackling the "S" word...sleeves.
I started with a self-drafted pattern based on my arm measurements. Then I cut out some practice fabric and pinned it to the dress.
I noticed it was too tight around my forearm, so when I cut out the lace, I made sure to give myself extra room there, as the lace does not stretch in that particular direction.
Here are the two lace sleeves cut out.
I sewed them together and began pinning them to the dress, uncertain of what I was really doing. I machine-basted the sleeves to the dress and removed the pins so I could try it on. (Again, not pictured!)
After attaching the tiny corded trim, I had to photograph my arm. LOL!
So pretty!
Here's a close-up. Don't you just love that tiny corded trim?!
This is what it looks like, so far. It's not a terrific photo because it's not ON me (or on any armature that would allow you to see how the lace falls with the dress on). Maybe I'll get Craig to take a photo of this part of the dress with me in it.
I'm having a tough time getting the angle of the armhole seam just right so that the lace above the bodice of the dress wants to stand up on its own. I'm still fiddling with those seams and the fit. I may have to revert to hiding some boning somewhere to prevent the lace from slouching....or...(GASP)...I might have to use some sort of shoulder strap. Oh, say I didn't come THIS far to be forced into shoulder straps!!!
What's left to do:
1) finish tweaking the sleeves and sew them in for real (not just basting stitches)
2) determine if i need to add boning to hold the lace up
3) hem the dress
4) install the zipper
Close to being stumped with this one!
5 weeks ago
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